The Domestic Heating Design Guide v 2020-01 is in review and a new edition for 2024 is expected to be published in the coming months. The new version will expand on the current version aligning further to BS EN12831-Part 1 and 3 the guide will reflect on changes to recent legislation and new statutory requirements concerning low temperature heating and controls.
A DBSP working group consists of panel member experts from the heating industry who work together to produce professional guidance. The guides are always peer reviewed before publication to check for accuracy and completeness by CIBSE industry specialist members. Thereafter the guides are endorsed by CIBSE as being technically accurate.
Guides are available from Panel members and CIBSE knowledge.
CIBSE accept orders and can supply a hard copy or PDF version of the publication.
For further information and orders please click on the button beneath the publication on the main page, this will take you directly to the CIBSE shop.
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when will this updated guide be available and is it possible to get a draft for peer review