What do we do?

The panel members meet twice a year at the CIBSE headquarters to discuss issues and changes relating to domestic building services. When industry standards change the panel members review the impact on the industry and find the best way of providing impartial guidance for the heating design engineer. Each panel member has their own specialist and expert subject knowledge

The panel recognise the prominence of CIBSE and the identity of its brand on the panel’s publications. CIBSE oversee and endorse the work of the panel through peer review to ensure that the material is fit for purpose and is of a consistent quality.
There are currently four individual guides each specialising in various building service technologies, there are plans for more guides in the near future with one nearing completion which will concentrate on integration.

There is always an endless amount of work to do due to changes in standards and installation practice. The work load is distributed amongst the panel members according to subject knowledge and specialism. Working groups are formed and each member will participate in their chosen subject area. The work is collated and a draft created for peer review by CIBSE or an intermediary prior to CIBSE intervention